Investigate City-University Interactions in the Twin Transition

About Sunset.

SUNSET is a European Doctoral Network aiming to develop innovative research and training capacity around city-university interactions driving the EU’s twin green and digital transition.

SUNSET brings together a network of prominent researchers working in diverse geographical and disciplinary settings at leading universities with partners from city governments, innovation companies, research institutes and civil society organizations to analyze and boost the performance of urban innovation ecosystems.

SUNSET is funded by Horizon Europe – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under grant agreement ID 101119845.

Our Mission


Investigate how universities and cities collaborate to achieve the digitalization and sustainability goals set out by current European and global policy agendas.


Train a new generation of excellent Doctoral Candidates to become future urban innovation ecosystem leaders in the pursuit of the twin green and digital transition.


Build bridges between urban policy-makers, businesses in the innovation sector, universities, and cluster organizations to effectively foster the twin transition of cities.

Research Program

The research program of SUNSET is organized around three key roles performed by universities within urban innovation ecosystems:

  1. Universities as urban innovation actors
  2. University campuses as living labs
  3. Universities as co-architects of ecosystem governance frameworks

Apply here!

Interested in becoming a Doctoral Candidate in the SUNSET network?